Sunday, May 3, 2020

[MOD POST] Changes to the sidebar/rules on mobile and new Reddit

Hi r/FoodPorn,Over the past few days, we’ve made some changes to the sidebar/rule layout of mobile and new Reddit. Here’s what’s new:The one large sidebar widget has been split into two parts: Info and Rules and Subreddits You May Enjoy. Info and Rules contains information about the subreddit, along with general guidelines in regards to posting. Subreddits You May Enjoy is a list of other food-related subreddits. If you moderate (or know) a food-related subreddit you want to be on the list, let us know (we require subreddits listed on the sidebar to have at least 1,000 subscribers).Two rules have been created. These aren’t “new”, but more a simplified version of the list of rules that were in the sidebar prior to these changes. The rules are “Only Submit Images and Gifs” and “Include Context in the Title”. These rules are somewhat self-explanatory, but we recommend you read them (using the drop down) once.As always, we value your feedback and would love to hear what you think. Feel free to give any feedback in the comments or via a modmail messages.Signing off, - u/squid50s and the r/FoodPorn Mod Team via /r/FoodPorn

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